Saturday, April 21, 2012

300 and 1.85 to grow on...

Have had three runs this week post-20. First was a quick three. Not so hot. Second was a 5 that started slow and got faster by the mile. Today was supposed to be four. But dang, it felt so great, I went five. Can't remember the last time I felt like tacking on an extra mile.

Weather today? 48 degrees. A bit of a drizzle. A slight breeze. I have put in a request with my friend who works at NOAA for the same weather May 6th in Cincinnati. I think the government must have some sort of top-secret weather-controlling deal in their arsenal, and she would have access to it. I'm sure she'll pull some strings. I could do without the drizzle, but it was an otherwise perfect day for a run.

I'm excited that I hit 300 miles for the year so far by finishing today's run. I'm on par for a 1,000 mile year if I can keep up about 87 miles/month for the rest of the year. Considering that last year I ran a total of 387 miles, this would be an outstanding feat.

Random thought for the day: You can never use too much Bodyglide. Ever.

Random thought number two: 23 school days left until summer vacation.

Not so random thought: 14 days until the marathon.

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