Saturday, February 17, 2007

And the indoor equipment, again...

Friday 5 mile run--treadmill
Saturday 90 minute ride (24 miles)--trainer

I haven't really been paying attention to the miles I put in on the trainer...I do my logging by time. But when I put the bike on the trainer, I checked the miles on the computer, and I was at somewhere around 250 (I just bought this bike this summer...). Tonight, at the end of my ride, I was at almost 875. That's about 625 trainer miles since November 6 when I switched out bikes (I had my tri bike on the trainer for a long while, but I switched it to my road bike for a change at the beginning of November). I'm thinking that's not all that bad considering how little training I did in December. I'm starting to get back into a rhythm.

And the treadmill...again. Not a bad thing. When I'm really tired after a long day at work, it's really hard for me to get in the truck, drive the hour and ten minutes home, change my clothes, and get in a good run before it gets too dark. However, if we have the Y planned, I get there and change and am inside and not worrying about the weather, and I can zone out. All is good. I'm hoping that I'll be burned out on the treadmill by the end of the winter and dying to get back out on real roads. Right now, I'm burned out on real roads. I need new running shoes. Can't afford them for another couple of weeks, so the less wear I can manage on my shoes for the next couple of weeks, the better.

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