Monday, July 09, 2007

Oh, for crying out's been MONTHS. We got married. I've been on vacation for a couple of months. I'm about to go back to school (to teach, that is).

Training, though, is going well despite the heat. It's hot. And humid. 97 degrees here today. Last week, I had a 16 mile run, and I only got in 11 because I got dehydrated. Shaky. Chills. Bad things happening. I then spent the rest of the day wondering if I should go out for another 5. How funny it is that perspective on what's normal can change so quickly...

Last week, I had my longest ride in months--81 miles. And it was in the hills of Kentucky. So I was happy because I felt strong and in control for the whole ride. I even managed nutrition well enough. I'm giving it another whirl this Friday. We'll see how it goes. Ironman is coming.

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So this is Christmas... I lift!

Hmmmm.... lifting... Just a quick pop in here (mostly because I did my first at-home lifting workout just a little bit ago, and I have ...