Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Running with the fishes

Today's thoughts:

1. 80 degree days are awesome. The bugs think so, too. I ate a few. The ones I ate probably don't think it's such an awesome deal.

2. I will never understand why cars refuse to give me an extra foot on the side of the country road that I live on. Seriously. You have a several ton vehicle. I am not challenging you. I am sure your manhood is adequately sized. Is there any other reason you can't just flick your wrist ever so slightly to the left to give me a little extra shoulder? C'mon, man.

3. Warm days bring people out of the woodwork, too. White, pasty people.

4. I was running so hobbly today that I probably could have been mistaken for one of those people who hibernated all winter, saw the first warm day, and made a break for freedom. I'm pretty sure I run these same roads enough that people have seen me out in all weather, but I was watching my shadow today and thinking I didn't look like a girl who has already done half of her total mileage from last year.

5. I saw a fish on the road today. At the 2-mile marker. It was dead. And in the road. About 30 inches of fish. If I had had my phone, I would have taken a picture. If you know anything about where I live (all farmland, no water), you know that fish had no business being there.

That's pretty much it for me so far this week.

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