Saturday, July 01, 2017

Looking for the shade--a "long"ish run

Found this while I was out on my run this morning. The local Boys' and Girls' Club posted on their Facebook page a few days back that they had planted these around town after painting them on a rainy day. I thought the idea was cute, but I also remember thinking that I'd never see one. And yet, I was out running this morning, and there one was. Just sitting in the grass on a street corner. Coolness. 

It wasn't raining this morning, though. And it wasn't dark. It was HOT. Okay, it was 70 degrees and a bit humid, but it felt like I was running in the 90s. The Dopey Challenge Training Program calls for a three-mile "long" run today. That feels a bit to me like a punt considering my base is already greater than that, so I decided to run longer. But about 30 minutes in, I was just hot. 

I came up on a friend mowing his lawn, and I used that as an excuse for a chat break. If you can't stop  a run to chat with a friend who is mowing his lawn, you shouldn't live in a small town. After a few minutes, I headed back out, but I had a hard time running longer than five or six minutes without needing another walk break. The heat was getting to me.

I was still a mile from home when I knew I needed to do much more walking than running. I found myself looking for the shade. I always know that I'm on the edge of something that might not be so great when I find myself looking for the shade and choosing my streets based on how the trees are covering the street. I can be pretty stubborn about keeping up a run even when I shouldn't, but when I stepped off into the shade of a tree, and I felt a chill, I knew I was in the hole on hydration. Ended up walking more than running the last mile home. 

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