Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Today so far: 30 minute spin. Planned: 3000 yard swim at the pool.
Yesterday: 50 minute spin a.m., 3.2 mile run p.m.

I can't breathe right now. I couldn't breathe all day yesterday, either. It's just shortness of breath right now. Yesterday, the wheezing on my run was pretty tough on me. It doesn't feel good, and I'm not enjoying it. I've taken hits off my inhaler more in the last three days than I think I have all year. But I'm still being consistent in my training.

One thing that happens when you can't get a consistent deep breath of air is that you yawn all the time...well, I do. Ever examined a yawn? It starts with a shallow breath of air, but it usually finishes with a big, deep breath of air. I can't get a big, deep breath of air at the end of my yawns, so my body yawns again. And again. And again. At least it tries to. Problem there is that my jaw muscle is now tight and tired. This isn't so much fun.

I'm working my hardest to be consistent. The thing is, I want to get back with my coach at the end of February, and I need to have a decent base for the torture he'll want to put me through, so I'm putting in two-a-days almost every day. My goal for this week is to put in more run miles, and I started with that yesterday until I ran out of daylight. The good thing, though, is that the days are definitely growing longer again, and I can run until about 5:00 comfortably. If we get home on time, that will give me a full hour to get a run in on any given day. Good, good, good.

I didn't want to get up at 4:00 this morning. I hadn't slept well. The breathing thing can wake me up. But I wanted to train, so I hit the snooze, and I was on the bike by 4:30 for a decent 30 minute spin.

Enough for now. This isn't a very inspired post, but I felt like getting something out there.

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